Get hold of the company list from your careers advisory service. 到就业指导处领取企业名录。
Indians already hold four of the top eight slots on the Forbes billionaire list, while Mexico's Carlos Slim has surpassed Bill Gates to claim the No.2 spot. 在《福布斯》亿万富翁榜上,印度人占据了前八位中的四个,墨西哥的卡洛斯•斯利姆(CarlosSlim)超过比尔•盖茨(BillGates)成为全球第二富豪。
Next, we define a shapes diagram that will hold a list of all our shapes. 接下来定义囊括所有图形的列表的图形化图表。
Below that is the buffer to hold the returned XML, the list of messages, and the last ID seen. 下面是一些缓冲区,用于存储返回的XML、消息列表和看到的最新ID。
To have a variable hold this kind of list in a program, all you need is to have a pointer that points to type struct ll_int_node. 要在程序中使用一个变量来容纳这种链表,您需要做的只是使用一个指向类型structllintnode的指针。
The back end is written in PHP and uses MySQL to hold a list of articles and their related location and its coordinates. 后端是使用PHP编写的,使用MySQL保存文章列表以及与其相关的位置和坐标。
It can hold real data from a database, but for the purpose of simplicity, a static list is used. 它可以保存来自数据库的真实数据,但是为了简便起见,这里使用了一个静态列表。
Configuring a variable to hold a list of options 配置一个变量来保存选项列表
Therefore, in the assembly, this element corresponds to two nodes: a list to hold the number of instances whose name is the same as the element name and a child item named text() inside the list. 因此在程序集中,这个元素对应于两个节点:一个用于存放实例(名称与元素名一样)数的列表和列表内一个名为text()的子项。
Queues that can hold a mixture of persistent and non-persistent messages must be defined in the persistent list structure. 可以容纳持久性和非持久性消息的混合的队列必须在持久性列表结构中定义。
With the help of friends in the student union, Pan got hold of a list of companies likely to bid for the contract.. Pretending to be a customer, he called each firm and asked what would be their basic price for manufacturing the uniforms. 他从学生会的哥儿们那里弄到了参与招投标公司的名单,并扮成顾客挨个儿打电话到那些公司问出不同质量服装的底价。
Hold on tightly to your shopping list and dont make any unwanted deviations from it. 要严格遵照购物清单,不能买清单外的东西。
Both parties shall hold the Divorce Agreement, which must list the voluntary divorce and the negotiation to childcare, property and debt handling etc. 当事人持有离婚协议书,协议书中必须载明双方自愿离婚的意思表示以及对子女抚养、财产及债务处理等事项协商一致的意见。
You want to keep hold of as many visitors as possible so get them to subscribe to your email list or blog feed! 你想放置的尽可能多的游客,以便让他们订阅你的电子邮件列表或博客饲料!
For consecutive files, click the first file in the list, press and hold down the shift key, and then click the last file in the list. 对于连续文件,请单击列表中的第一个文件,按住shift键,然后单击列表中的最后一个文件。
The crook got hold of a sucker list and started out to sell his worthless stock. 骗子拿到易上钩者的名单,就开始向他们发售那些无价值的货物。
Goh choktong's press secretary said that since the WTO ministerial meeting made the decision last year in doha, capital of qatar, to hold a new round of trade negotiations, the EU has put the global trade on top of its priority list. 吴作栋的新闻发言人说,自世贸组织部长会议去年在卡达首都杜哈作出召开新一轮贸易谈判的决定之后,欧盟便将全球贸易当作首要之务。
If you can't hold your job down, you can't get the money Ultimately, most of the negative things on that list were instrumentally bad. 无法工作就赚不到钱,最终名单上多数消极的东西,都归结为坏的利用价值。
To select nonadjacent projects, hold down ctrl, and then click the name of the next file that you want to list in the consolidated project. 要选择不相邻的多个项目,请按住ctrl,然后单击希望在合并项目中列出的下一个文件的名称。
To add multiple delegates simultaneously, hold down Ctrl and click their names in the name list. 若要同时添加多个代理,请按住ctrl并单击“姓名”列表中的姓名。
Indeed, it seems tags are the main glue that hold the Clubhouse together, as Microsoft also uses them to determine a list of possibly related posts. 事实上,标签就像是将Clubhouse粘合起来的胶水,微软自己也使用它来确定文章的相关性。
Now that you have a hold on your liquid assets, upgrade the rest of your grocery list by avoiding the13 Worst "healthy" Foods in the Supermarket. 现在你对你的流动资产有概念了,升级你的杂货单里的其他东西,避免超市中的13种最不健康食品。
You're doing the same thing, setting up a separate place to hold the accumulator; it's just a field in an object instead of the head of a list. 你实际上就是在做同样的事,只不过划出了一个独立的区域,保存累加器函数,区别只是保存在对象的一个属性中,而不是保存在列表(list)的头(head)中。
In the 2004 International Planning Competition that hold this year, list the probability domain in the project of the contest for the first time. This indicates again that probabilistic planning is the important status of the research field in intelligent planning. 在今年举行的IPC-4(2004InternationalPlanningCompetition),第一次把概率域列入了竞赛的项目,再一次表明了概率规划在智能规划研究领域中的重要地位。